A ship may be registered if it is owned by : |
Any individual who is a citizen of St. Vincent domiciled in St. Vincent or, |
Any body corporate, partnership or other association of individuals registered in accordance with the laws of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and having their main office in St. Vincent or, |
Any body corporate, partnership or other association of individuals registered according to law in any foreign country, provided that, when the main office is situated outside St. Vincent, a Registered Agent in St. Vincent is appointed. |
Application form for Registration completed and signed |
A Proof of ownership or copy of legalised and/or apostilled Bill of Sale or copy of Purchase Contract or Builder's Certificate (New Ship only) |
A Good Standing Certificate of the owning company or recent Certificate of Registration |
A copy of ISM Document of Compliance (DOC) of the vessel’s operator and a copy of the short term (or interim) SMC or confirmation from the authorised organisation that same is being issued (if applicable) |
A Permission for transfer or recent Transcript of Register and/or recent Non-Encumbrance Certificate or Deletion Certificate from the present registry |
A copy or photocopy of the existing Tonnage Certificate or Certificate of Measurement |
A Confirmation from the Classification Society that the vessel is in class and has valid statutory certificates without recommendation. The Classification Society must confirm that the vessel’s class will be retained under the new Ownership/Flag and that the new statutory certificates will be issued after the completion of the necessary surveys; (Additional procedures in PDF) |
Continuous Synopsis Records (when I.S.P.S. Code is applicable) |
An Accounting Authority Identification Code (A.A.I.C.) and confirmation from the accounting authority that it will be responsible for the radio traffic accounts |
The payment of registration and annual fees. |
Payment of US$ 200.- +Reissue of CSR US$100.- and cost of the issue of the relevant certificates as well as any other outstanding fees |
Application Form filled in and signed (a-part from the ships technical details) |
Bill of Sale notarised |
Good Standing Certificate of the Owner |
Discharge or transfer of the existing encumbrances (if any) |
New A.A.I.C. or confirmation from the present accounting authority that they will remain responsible for the radio traffic accounts under the new ownership |
Confirmation from the Classification Society that the vessel is in class and has valid statutory certificates. Classification Society also to confirm that the vessel's class will be retained under new Ownership and that new statutory certificates will be issued after completion of the necessary surveys |
A copy of ISM Document of Compliance (DOC) of the vessel’s operator and a copy of the short term (or interim) SMC or confirmation from the authorised organisation that same is being issued (if applicable) |
Certificate of Entry from P & I and Insurer |
Original Deletion Certificate from previous flag, if not already received. |
A Bareboat registration under the flag of St. Vincent and the Grenadines may take place upon receipt of: |
Payment of the relevant fees |
Application Form filled in and signed |
Transcript or Register from the foreign registry |
Certificate of Good Standing of the Bareboat Charterers |
Copy of the Bareboat Charter Party |
Written consent from the foreign registry for the vessel to fly the flag of St. Vincent mentioning the bareboat charter period |
Written consent from the mortgagees (If applicable) |
Copy of the existing Tonnage Certificate |
Confirmation from the Classification Society that the vessel is in class and has valid statutory certificates. Classification Society also to confirm that the vessel's class will be retained under new Ownership/Flag and that new statutory certificates will be issued after completion of the necessary surveys |
A copy of ISM Document of Compliance (DOC) of the vessel’s operator and a copy of the short term (or interim) SMC or confirmation from the authorised organisation that same is being issued (if applicable) |
Continuous Synopsis Records (when I.S.P.S. Code is applicable) |
Certificate of Entry from P & I and Insurer |
A.A.I.C. and confirmation from the Accounting Authority that they will be responsible for the radio traffic accounts. |
The vessel must have permanent registration status under the Flag of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, i.e. the following must be submitted: |
Original application form filled in and signed |
Original or certified true copy of the notarised Bill of Sale |
Recent Certificate of Good Standing of the owning company |
Original or certified true copy of the Deletion Certificate from the previous Registry |
A Confirmation of Registration and Letter of Authorisation to fly the foreign flag may be issued upon receipt of: |
Application form filled in and signed |
Confirmation from the intended foreign Flag Authorities that bareboat registration is permitted |
Written consent from the Mortgagees (if applicable) |
Written undertaking by the Owners to surrender the Certificate of Registry within fifteen days from the entry into the bareboat charter registry |
Written undertaking by the Charterers that the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Flag shall not be hoisted during the period of the bareboat charter registration |
Copy of the bareboat charter party |
Payment of the relevant fees. It should be noted that the Annual Tax(es) (for the calendar year(s)) is/are payable in advance for the whole bareboat charter period. |
The letter of authorisation to sail under the foreign Registry for the whole bareboat charter period may be issued upon receipt of: |
Return of the original St. Vincent and the Grenadines registration certificates |
Copy of the Foreign Bareboat Certificate of Registry evidencing record of the mortgage(s) (if applicable) |